Wednesday 9 June 2010

Short film: Khoda. "What if you watch a film and whenever you pause it, you face a painting?"

What if you watch a film and whenever you pause it, you face a painting?

This idea inspired Reza Dolatabadi to make Khoda. Over 6000 paintings were painstakingly produced during two years to create a five minutes film that would meet high personal standards. Khoda is a psychological thriller; a student project which was seen as a ‘mission impossible’ by many people but eventually proved possible!

Director and art director: Reza Dolatabadi
Written by Reza Dolatabadi & Mark Szalos Farkas
Animation by Adam Thomson
Music by Hamed Mafakheri
  • Winner of the Best Animation Canary Wharf Film Festival (London) Aug, 2008
  • Winner of the Best Student Animation Flip Festival (Birmingham) 2008
  • Winner of the Best Student Animation, Royal Television Society Award, Scotland (rts) 2009
  • Official selection for the "Best Short Film Program” at Waterford Film Festival (Ireland) November 2008
Reza Dolatabadi -


  1. I'm still pretty sure he's used rotoscoping - he insists not, however the way he describes the painting process when answering questions on Vimeo make it sound, to me, almost painfully too similar to rotoscoping.

    At any rate, it's a damn fine short, full of hard work and really well executed.
